21.5.2021 UPDATE: EXAM:
- There will be a review session answering all your outstanding questions in the last 30 minutes of the next lecture (i.e. 15:15-15:45; I can stay longer if need be).
- Exam will take place on May 28, 12:30-14:00 (90 minutes for writing)
- It will be an open-book exam.
- Go to our regular zoom meeting. There you will get access to the exam set-up in a PDF version
- I will open the zoom meeting 10 minutes earlier. The writing starts at 12:30 sharp.
- After the time is up, you will upload your solution via LRZ Sync and Share file requests. (Pssst: you will get a grace period of 15 minutes; but after that time is up, the file request page won’t allow you to upload anymore!)
- The PDF set-up will list all the formal requirements. You are free to choose whether you write on your computer or send me a scan of your handwritten solutions.
- Good luck with your preparations!
27.4.2021 UPDATE:
- DO NOT LOG IN: Tuesdays from 8am to 2pm
- DO NOT LOG IN: Wednesdays from 8am to 2pm
- DO NOT LOG IN: 10.-12.05.2021 from 8am to 4pm
- IDEALLY NOT TO LOG IN BEFORE 4pm on weekdays
A moodle page for the course is now available. Feel free to add the course and use the chat and forum to discuss issues related to the tutorial.
There is a Moodle tutorial (in German) how to set up the remote access and run Stata: https://moodle.lmu.de/course/view.php?id=13190 (Einschreibeschlüssel is “RemoteCIP@FIT”)
NOTE: only 30 students can be simultaneously logged in. If you are not granted access, just try in a bit. As a courtesy to other students, log out whenever you are finished to allow others to get in.
Development Economics
Vojtěch Bartoš: vojtech.bartos@econ.lmu.de
- Exam: Thursday, May 28, 12:30-14:00, Online
- Lectures:
- Wed 12:30 – 15:45, Zoom (see LSF for access details; use your LMU account)
- Tutorials:
- Fri 12:30 – 15:45, Zoom (see LSF for access details; use your LMU account)
- Office hours: by appointment via email
Course syllabus
You can download the most recent version of the course syllabus here.
Please, before asking me questions about the logistics of the course, try to find the answers in the syllabus. Most likely you will find the answers there.
Readings for the course
Please, find the readings here. See LSF for access details.
Lecture slides
- Lecture 1: Introduction
- Lecture 2, 3: Traditional growth models and poverty traps, and the way towards MDGs (.do file on growth rate of countries relative to US)
- Lecture 4: Modern (endogenous) growth models, poverty traps, and empirics
- Lecture 5: Games in economic development
- Lecture 6: Measuring poverty and inequality
- Lecture 7: Group differences and discrimination
- Lecture 8: The role of culture and institutions in economic development (social capital)
- Lecture 9: Health, nutrition and development (human capital)
- Lecture 10: Education and development (human capital)
- Lecture 11: The role of foreign aid in development economics
- Tutorial 0: Stata Intro .do file (data 1, data 2, data 3 – .csv file!) (Stata version 12: data 1, data 2)
- Tutorial 1: Replicating Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) (.do file)
- Tutorial 2: Replicating Miguel and Roland (2011) (data, .do file)
- Tutorial 3: Replicating Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001) (data, .do file)
- Tutorial 4: Replicating Miguel and Kremer (2004) (comply, namelist, pupq, schoolvar, test, wormed, .do file)
- Tutorial 5: Replicating Karlan and Zinman (2009) (data, .do file)
Tutorial reports repositories
- Tutorial 1 report repository
- Tutorial 2 report repository
- Tutorial 3 report repository
- Tutorial 4 report repository
- Tutorial 5 report repository
Sample exam
Click here for a sample exam.
Exam results
The ISC will publish your grades on Monday, June 21. You can reach out to me individually if you want to see your exam. I will do a Zoom consultation on June 25, between 13:00-15:00.