July 11 update: Due to miscommunication, the grades have only been uploaded to the system today. Unfortunately, the change in the system might take some time, so your grades might only be visible tomorrow. Please, check LSF. Sorry for the confusion, I thought the grades have been in the system since Monday.
Exam review session: Friday, July 12, 13-15, Giselastrasse 10, room 102
Development Economics
Vojtěch Bartoš: vojtech.bartos@econ.lmu.de
- Exam: Thursday, June 13, 12-14, Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1, room E 006
- Lectures:
- Thu 12:30 AM – 15:45 AM, Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (E) – E 006
- Tutorials:
- Fri 14:15 AM – 17:45 AM, Ludwigstr. 28, RG 023 (CIP III)
- Office hours: by appointment via email
Course syllabus
You can download the most recent version of the course syllabus here.
Please, before asking me questions about the logistics of the course, try to find the answers in the syllabus. Most likely you will find the answers there.
Readings for the course
Please, find the readings here. The password will be provided in the lecture.
Lecture slides
- Lecture 1: Introduction
- Lecture 2, 3: Traditional growth models and poverty traps, and the way towards MDGs (.do file on growth rate of countries relative to US)
- Lecture 4: Modern (endogenous) growth models, poverty traps, and empirics
- Lecture 5: Games in economic development
- Lecture 6: Measuring poverty, inequality, and discrimination
- Lecture 7: The role of culture and institutions in economic development (social capital)
- Lecture 8: The role of foreign aid in development economics
- Lecture 9: Health, nutrition and development (human capital)
- Lecture 10: Education and development (human capital)
- Lecture 11: Behavioral development economics (based on Kremer, Rao, Schilbach 2019)
- Lecture 12: Credit markets and Microcredit (financial capital)
- Tutorial 0: Stata Intro .do file (data 1, data 2, data 3) (Stata version 12: data 1, data 2)
- Tutorial 1: Replicating Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) (.do file .csv file)
- Tutorial 2: Replicating Miguel and Roland (2011) (data, .do file)
- Tutorial 3: Replicating Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001) (data, .do file)
- Tutorial 4: Replicating Miguel and Kremer (2004) (comply, namelist, pupq, schoolvar, test, wormed, .do file)
- Tutorial 5: Replicating Karlan and Zinman (2009) (data, .do file)
Tutorial reports repositories
- Tutorial 1 report repository
- Tutorial 2 report repository
- Tutorial 3 report repository
- Tutorial 4 report repository
- Tutorial 5 report repository
Sample exam
Click here for a sample exam.
Exam results
You can come to see your exam on Friday, July 12, 2019 between 13:00-15:00.